Press Releases for forex news

  • 1114

    New Currency Trading Robot Attempts To Earn Income From Worldwide News Events

    New trends in technology have presented the world with the Z-20 advance breakout robot. "This revolutionary breakout system is extremely beneficial to traders, earning them profits of up to 100 pips a day and more," according to Dr Zain Agha.

    By : | 01-29-2014 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 1114

  • 627

    Top 10 Forex Brokers for 2012 are Now Available on Forex News

    Get the latest news on the best forex brokers from a website called Forex News Now. The site’s most recent updates include a list of the top 10 forex brokers with a brief description and review for each broker.

    By : | 01-28-2012 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 627

  • 761

    Profitsrun101.Com Offers Custom Forex Trading Courses

    Without a shadow of a doubt, forex trading is one of the most profitable businesses one can run. The concept is simple. Forex traders deal with currencies and exchange one countries currency with another. Currency of one country is traded with another. If you too are considering trading on Forex, it is important that you first educate yourself so that you don't end up losing your hard-earned money in Forex market. provides comprehensive training for trading currencies and makes

    By : | 12-31-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 761